martes, 20 de abril de 2010
domingo, 11 de abril de 2010
Atmospheric Black Metal
Lyrical theme(s)
Cosmos, Nature, Spirituality
Origin Formed in Current label Status
Belarus (Gomel) Unknown Stygian Crypt Productions. Active
Current line-up
Antarctis - All
Zorny Maroz Full-length, 2008
Smalisty Zah Full-length, 2010
Autumnal wetness, forest darkness, the fog lays on turned black grass by gray flakes, dank cold… Only the old moon shines by dead light, motionlessly… Slowly striding, all the living goes away to the black thicket, following the call of death and decrees of nature, dragging out to the gloomy kingdom of sorrow… VIETAH - one-men band from Belarus. The bend was formed in 2002 year and appears as a result of lonesome creative searching for, by the personality, hiding under the name Antarctis. In 2006-2007 years it was recorded a debut album "Zorny Maroz" self-possessed in Atmospheric Black Metal style, containing 5 compositions with lyrics in belarussian language. In the beginning of 2008 year the album was released at Stygian Crypt Productions in CD format. Vietah [ve'tah] - Old Moon from Belarusian language.
2010 - "Smalisty Zah" CD - SCP054
I.1. Zmjarcvielyja Krajavidy Praz Smaljany Pozirk Krumkacza
I.2. Smalisty Zah
I.3. Pavolny Paljot Pa-nad
Ljasnym Kurganom
II.4. Vosienskija Spadarozniki U Nocz
II.5. Zdzjajsniennie
II.6. Paslja Paunocznaja Ciszynja
III.7. Kvintesencyja (Quintessence)
Total time: 58:11
"Smalisty Zah" was recorded between July and September 2008 at "9th Floor over Swamp studio" (Gomel). Voice was recorded in October 2008 at Moustache & Fat John studio. Mixed and mastered in November 2008 at Moustache & Fat John studio. All music and lyrics written by Antarctis, except Kvintesencyja (Quintessence), original lyrics written special for DARKTHRONE by Varg Vikernes. Translation on belarusian language by Antarctis. Graphic design by cz (VINTERRIKET). Photos by Vladimir Ivanov and Skoggansmadr. Logo by Mistart. Released by Stygian Crypt Productions.
2008 - "Zorny Maroz" CD - SCP041
1. Zorny Maroz U Dalinie Zimovaj Imgly
(Starfrost in the Winterfog Valley)
2. Tliennie (Smoldering)
3. Vietah Dy Samotnaja Zorka
(Old Moon & Solitary Star)
4. U Prastoru Pa-za Inszym Bokam
(To the Space Beyond)
5. Adczuzanasc (Estrangement)
Total time: 41:13
"Zorny Maroz" was recorded between autumn 2006 and spring 2007 at Martol studio. Voice was recorded in November 2007 at Moustache & Fat John studio. Mixed in December 2007 at Moustache & Fat John studio. All music and lyrics written by Antarctis. Graphic design by cz (VINTERRIKET). Photo by Vladimir Ivanov. Logo by Mistart. Released by Stygian Crypt Productions.